Though my perfect recipe of tea can not be your perfect recipe of tea as everyone love to have their tea in their own special way but still there can be perfect recipe of tea time if not of tea..
You can always combine and serve yourself a cup of tea that is placed together with your favourite snack and toped with your favourite book. This can be a small special treat to you from you.
Tea can be served with endless combinations
Or you may like to have your tea just like that with some muffins and almonds but the most important factor here in Parminder Sharda Organic is the love and care we pore in your cup of tea while we brew here in our company premises. This ting of love and care make it different from others.
Tea can be served with endless combinations but it can never be brewed to the perfection if it is not brewed with love and care.
Tea is so fragile that little over brewing can make it bitter while if it is left under brewed it can still be tasteless but this can never happen if you are having Parminder Sharda Organic Instant tea.
Our technique of brewing
Our technique of brewing is combination of ancient and modern methods of tea making which turns in the secret of a perfect cup of tea when combined with your style of serving gives best version of tea time recipe.
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